In Canada job offer, presentation of Client details is our secret to Success job offer to them, Employers are sometimes sensitive,and attentive to your personal details, a π™™π™žπ™’π™žπ™£π™ͺπ™©π™žπ™«π™š πŸ‘Žmistake can lead to turn down.

Various Issues leading to failed job offer;

π„π¦πšπ’π₯ π€πππ«πžπ¬π¬; Your email address should contain your name details, (eg)[email protected] you can input numerals if your chosen email name is already used however it must contain your names.

π˜Ύπ™€π™«π™šπ™§ π™‡π™šπ™©π™©π™šπ™§;Your cover letter should be brief with a strong motive signal, tailor your job position preference in a well orderly Manner, Convince the Employer that you are the right candidate for the job position.

π™‹π™§π™šπ™¨π™šπ™£π™©π™–π™©π™žπ™€π™£/𝘼π™₯π™₯π™§π™€π™–π™˜π™; Your presentation and Approach towards Employers should be π™§π™šπ™«π™šπ™§π™šπ™£π™© and π™˜π™€π™ͺπ™§π™©π™šπ™€π™ͺ𝙨, Address them according to their job position remember they can decide your fate regarding Job offer.


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